June 15th, 2023
Supporting Language Sovereignty: The First Pillar of Languages 4
If there's one concept central to our work at Languages 4, it's Language Sovereignty. This concept, which might be new to some of our readers, is foundational to our language revitalization and preservation approach.
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August 10, 23
Stories that Shape Us: Narratives in Indigenous Language Revival
Language isn't just words strung together; it embodies stories, values, and histories that have shaped communities for generations. For Indigenous communities, these narratives are more than just tales; they are intrinsic to their identity and cultural fabric. In the effort to revive Indigenous languages, understanding and integrating these narratives is paramount.
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National Archives photo no. 127-MN-69889-B | https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/american-indian-code-talkers